Best solutions for the PSPLIB-ENERGY library
Algorithm | SGS | Reference | Number of iterations (Max. schedules) | ||
1.000 |
5.000 |
50.000 |
1. Two-Phases Genetic Algorithm | Serial and Parallel | Morillo, D., Barber, F. & Salido, [3] | 0.6397 |
0.6517 |
0.6564 |
2. Genetic Algorithm | Serial and Parallel | Morillo, D., Barber, F. & Salido, [1] | 0.5966 |
0.6091 |
0.6293 |
3. A Branch and Bound deterministic heuristic algorithm. | Parallel | Morillo, D., Moreno, L. & Díaz, J. [2] | 0.5178 |
0.5187 |
0.5194 |
Algorithm | SGS | Reference | Number of iterations (Max. schedules) | ||
1.000 |
5.000 |
50.000 |
1. Two-Phases Genetic Algorithm | Serial and Parallel | Morillo, D., Barber, F. & Salido, [3] | 0.6565 |
0.6803 |
0.6919 |
2. Genetic Algorithm | Serial and Parallel | Morillo, D., Barber, F. & Salido, [1] | 0.6029 | 0.6182 | 0.6424 |
Algorithm | SGS | Reference | Number of iterations (Max. schedules) | ||
1.000 |
5.000 |
50.000 |
1. Genetic Algorithm | Serial and Parallel | Morillo, D., Barber, F. & Salido, [1] | 0.6052 | 0.6216 | 0.6478 |
Algorithm | SGS | Reference | Number of iterations (Max. schedules) | ||
1.000 |
5.000 |
50.000 |
1. Two-Phases Genetic Algorithm | Serial and Parallel | Morillo, D., Barber, F. & Salido, [3] | 0.5192 |
0.5382 |
0.5590 |
1. Genetic Algorithm | Serial and Parallel | Morillo, D., Barber, F. & Salido, [1] | 0.4760 | 0.4875 | 0.5032 |
- Morillo Torres, Daniel, Barber, Federico, and Salido, Miguel A. (2017). "A new model and metaheuristic approach for the energy-based resource-constrained scheduling problem". In: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. DOI: 10.1177/0954405417711734.
- Morillo Torres, Daniel, Moreno Velásquez, Luis Fernando, and javier Diaz Serna, Francisco (2015). “A branch and bound hybrid algorithm with four deterministic heuristics for the resource constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP)”. In: DYNA-Colombia 82.190, pp. 198–207. DOI: 10.15446/dyna.v82n190.43855.
- Morillo, Daniel, Barber, Federico, and Salido, Miguel A. (2017a). “Mode-based vs Activity-based search for a nonredundant resolution of the Multi-mode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem.” In: Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2017.Article ID 4627856, p. 15. DOI: 10.1155/2017/4627856.