Intelligent Scheduling Group             Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)

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MOM: Delay Simulator for Robustness Assesment of Railway Timetables

MOM includes a disruption simulation process for empirical assesment of timetable robustness.

The user can choose:

  • 'How', 'When', and 'How-Much' delay is introduced.

  • Mix of Trains (number, heterogeneity, speed), Tracks and Stations.



The simulation process assesses the robustness of a given railway timetabling by evaluating the changes (primary delay) that an unexpected disruption (primary delay) causes.

Statistical measures obtain the timetable robustness (overall secondary delays) depending on the number of trains (capacity used):





MOM also includes several tools for analitycal evaluation of timetable robustness.

The main parameters of the analitycal  model are:

  • Buffer times between trains (headway buffer).

  • Suplementary time in  journeys of  trains between stations.

  • Number of trains in the timetable.

  • Passeger flow.

  • Track lengths.

  • Additional parameters include: age of trains, infrastructure maintenance, etc.