Intelligent Scheduling Group             Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)

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Main Features of MOM (for railway timetabling)


MOM is a computer-based tool that automatically obtains optimized running maps with the following features:

  • Optimization of journey times

  • Minimization of traffic operations and stop times

  • Prioritization of trains and the balancing of delays

  • Robustness in order to obtain fault-tolerant time-tables due to incidences.


MOM integrates: mathematical models and integer programming; constraint satisfaction and optimization techniques; operation research techniques; as well as, intelligent and metaheuristic techniques.



MOM manages user, capacity and operational constraints.

MOM is able to deal with hard and soft constraints:

  • MOM can automatically adjust or relax soft constraints (i.e.: traffic constraints, journeys times, etc.) to significantly improve the running map.

  • The relaxed constraints are provided to the user for validation.

MOM is implemented in standard C++. It  can run in several environments (Linux, Windows).

MOM is easily integrated into existing railway databases.

MOM provides a high added-value  in the
management, analysis and optimization
of the use of railway infrastructures.